Stories of the Stones
We’re a community group looking to revitalise the Elswick and Westgate Hill Cemeteries in the West-End of Newcastle.

Get Involved
Contact either Julie or Don at:
We’d love to hear about your stories or meet you at one of our regular community hubs at the West End Library.
Blog & Updates
Private Ivy Everard 1922-1942
Private Ivy Everard (1922-1942) whose Commonwealth War Grave is at St John’s Cemetery, Elswick, Newcastle upon Tyne
Heritage Open Days Event at St John’s Cemetery
September 9th 2024 Come and find out more about Stories of the Stones and meet the people behind the project! Cemeteries are community touchstones and over the past 18 months the Stories of the Stones Project has worked volunteers from the local community, alongside...
Garden Party at West Lodge
Project volunteer Kay, kindly invited the core Stories of the Stones group to West Lodge at St John's Cemetery for a garden party this week. We celebrated the achievements of the project so far with sandwiches, tea and cake. We also did a bit of work to plan what will...
Blueprints for Elswick
Cyanotype image by Pam Royale Cyanotype workshops in the sun at St John's Cemetery The summer sun finally made a showing at St John's Cemetery two mornings in June for cyanotype workshops led by Stories of the Stones artist Julie...
Stories of the Stones Launch Event – A night of memories, poetry, photos and music
Residents and those with connections to the West End of Newcastle gathered at a celebration event at the John Marley Centre, Scotswood to launch the Stories of the Stones poetry book and website. Members of local history group, Stories of the Stones presented memories...
Poetic Memories of the WestEnd
Local residents write poetry to explore their memories of growing up in the WestEnd The Stories of the Stones group tried their hand at writing poetry, celebrating memories of growing up in Newcastle's WestEnd. The group of local residents having been meeting weekly...
The fascinating history of St John’s Cemetery.
Residents of the West End took part in a historic tour of St John’s Cemetery to find about the lives of those buried there. Last week, a group of residents who live or grew up in the West End of Newcastle took part in a historic tour of St John’s Cemetery. The event...
Locals discover their families’ history
A group of Westend residents start journey to find out more about the lives of those buried at their local cemetery Though we have already run two drop-ins, last Monday was officially the first weekly Stories of Stones activity session at Westend Library in Benwell....